Mándanos tu propuesta de Caso de Éxito

If you are aware of any cases of successful collaboration between Companies and Universities in any part of the world, you can send it to us on the following form.

Our technical team will study your proposal and, if appropriate, will elaborate the recommendation which would become part of the web version of the REUNE Manual of University-Company Good Practices.

Thank you for your collaboration.


Your Contact Data:
Information of successful case: (1)
Case references and documentation:
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All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

(1)  Concrete example of an implemented measure contributing to the encouragement of relations between university and company entities in a specific part of the world. A measure whose operation has been proven and contrasted and has meant an improvement concerning the initial starting out conditions between the academic and business world.

(2)   Country and region of the world where it has taken place. Should there be several mark the most significant one or the first one to be implemented.

(3)   The most detailed description possible of the implemented measure regarding goals, agents involved, operation and results obtained.

(4)   Published bibliographic or documentation references where more detailed information of the described case is shown.

(5)   Name and/or position of those people most involved in the planning, implementation and/or grading of the described case within the business area as well as the university area.