

One of the fundamental pillars of knowledge-based competitiveness is the relationship between Companies and Universities. At present, no single public or private entity alone can generate all the necessary knowledge to create products, or innovative goods and services in a global market. Therefore, University-Industry collaboration is a necessary condition for innovation, and active interaction between the two agents is essential for any region to achieve greater competitiveness.

All studies conducted in recent years on the Spanish System of Innovation indicate that one of its main weaknesses is the insufficient use of scientific and technological potential in the country’s public R&D system, particularly where the Universities are concerned.

Although considerable efforts have been made in recent years by the two parties involved, the difficulties persist and it is essential to provide our Companies with tools to help them create stronger and more fruitful links with the university institutions.

This document compiles the results of a comprehensive research study to identify good practices in terms of cooperation between Companies and Universities, both nationally and internationally. These results are expressed in the form of recommendations which are applicable to the Andalusian context.

The study has been both fascinating and challenging, aiming as it does, to address to some extent the needs for Innovation and Development of the region and the improvement of competitiveness in terms of Andalusian productivity.